Plan miasta Gartocharn

Gartocharn - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Blackie rams in demand at Stirling sale - Press amp; Journal

Topping Stirling's trade at ?12000 was a much-fancied shearling that was the talk of the market from brothers Willie and Ewan Bennie, of Merkins, bGartocharn/b. The ram, by a ?2000 Elmscleugh and out of a ewe by a ?3800 Midlock, b.../b Lauder- based breeders Jim Sutherland, of Hillhouse, and Faccombe bEstates/b at Hopes, teamed to pay ?2500 for a ram lamb, by a home-bred son of a ?17000 Netherwood and out of a ewe by a ?3200, from B. Blackwood, of Weir, Greenside, Kelso. b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

Tensing Left the sherpas at the base camp as they were laughing b.../b

Left the sherpas at the base camp as they were laughing with the dali lama & headed on up Duncryn Hill in bGartocharn/b. All the rain & snow had made the ground almost impassable. I met some South Indians with their local guides, b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch
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